[1] Constraining Electron Parallel Energy in Electrostatic Fields through the Anomalous Doppler Effect Induced by External Electromagnetic Waves, X. Xu, W. Li, X. Li, J. Liu*, J. Xie*, W. Liu, submitted to Nuclear Fusion
[2] Parallel Bayesian optimization of free-electron lasers based on laser wakefield accelerators, H. Jiang, C. Lv, K. Feng, K. Jiang, X. Liu, S. Luan, J. Liu, W. Wang, R. Li, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 67(2025) 025031
[3] Reconstruction of Poloidal Magnetic Fluxes on EAST based on Neural Networks with Measured Signals, submitted to PPCF
[4] Canonical Hamiltonian Guiding Center Theory and Classical Intrinsic Magnetic Moment, submitted
[5] Gamma Ray Spectrum Inversion Based on Master-Secondary Encoder-Decoder Network, R. D. Hu, J. Liu, R. J. Zhou, L. Q. Hu, submitted to Compt. Phys. Comm., submitted
[6] High resolution simulations of nonlinear electromagnetic turbulence in tokamak devices,Yanjun Liu, Zixi Liu, Jian Liu*, Baofeng Gao, Wei Zhang, Tianyang Xia*, Haiqing Liu, Ge Zhuang, Xiang Gao, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, (2025) accepted
[7] Giant Undulations Driven by Pitch‐Angle Scattering of Time Domain Structures Modulated by Plasmapause Surface Wave, Y Zhou, P Du, J Liu, Q Shi, M Guo, F He, X Zhang, Y Zhang, Z Yao, J Zhong, Z Rong, and Y Wei, Geophysical Research Letters, 52(2025),3: 111782
https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2024GL111782
[8] Ultralow-frequency Waves in Jupiter’s Magnetopause Boundary Layer, Zhili Zeng, Zhonghua Yao*, Jian Liu*, Yan Xu, William R. Dunn, Binzheng Zhang, Martin O. Archer, The Astrophysical Journal, 976(2024):92
[9] Structure-preserving algorithm and its error estimate for the relativistic charged-particle dynamics under the strong magnetic field, Ruili Zhang, Tong Liu, Bin Wang, Jian Liu, and Yifa Tang, Journal of Scientific Computing, 100(2024), 70
[10] Experimental and simulation analysis of Weakly Coherent Modes in the I-mode discharges on EAST, Yanjun Liu, Zixi Liu, T Y Xia, Tao Zhang, Ah Di Liu, Jian Liu, etc, Nuclear Fusion 64(2024), 076045
[11] Optimization of pellet design parameters to achieve deep fueling depth in EAST plasma with PAM code, Jie Zhang, Jilei Hou, Zhuang Liu, Jiale Chen, Jia Huang, Ge Zhuang, Vincent Chan, Kaibo Nan, Yifeng Zheng, Xiaohe Wu, Yinan Zhou, Adili Yolbarsop, Chengxi Zhou, Qi Zhang, Yunjiao Zhang, Ziwei Qiang, Peng Deng, Meng Qiu, Jingshuo Zhang, Di Pan, Qilong Dong, Dazheng Li, Yangdi Yu, Xiaowei Mao, Tao Lan, Zixi Liu, Jian Liu, Ah Di Liu, Nuclear Fusion 64 (2024), 076012
[12] Neural network identification of the weakly coherent mode in I-mode discharge on EAST, Kangning Yang, Zixi Liu, Jian Liu, etc., Nuclear Fusion 64 (2024), 016035
[13] Explicit K-symplectic-like algorithms for guiding center system, Beibei Zhu, Jian Liu*, Aiqing Zhu, Jiawei Zhang, Yifa Tang, Physica Scripta, 98 (2023), 125607
[14] Three-dimensional Turbulent Reconnection within Solar Flare Current Sheet, Yulei Wang, Xin Cheng, Mingde Ding, Zhaoyuan Liu, Jian Liu, Xiaojue Zhu, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 954 (2023) 2, L36.
[15] Weakly Convergent Stochastic Simulation of Electron Collisions in Plasmas, Wentao Wu, Jian Liu*, Nathaniel J. Fisch, Jianyuan Xiao, Huishan Cai, Zhaoyuan Liu, Ruili Zhang, Yang He, Compt. Phys. Commun., 289 (2023) 108758
[16] Automated Classification of Auroral Images with Deep Neural Networks, Zhiyuan Shang, Zhonghua Yao, Jian Liu, Linli Xu, Yan Xu, Binzheng Zhang, Ruilong Guo, Yong Wei, Universe, 9,2 (2023), 96
[17] Linearized single-scattering property database for hexagonal prism ice particles, Chenxu Gao, Dongbin Liang, Bingqiang Sun, Jian Liu, Zhaoyuan Liu, Remote Sensing, 14,23 (2022), 6138
[18] Adaptive energy-preserving algorithms for guiding center system, Beibei Zhu, Jian Liu*, Jianwei Zhang, Aiqing Zhu, Yifa Tang, Plasma Science and Technology, 25 (2023), 045102
[19] Calculation of collisionless pitch-angle scattering of runaway electrons with synchrotron radiation via high-order guiding-centre equation, Shijie Liu, Feng Wang, Chang Liu, Di Hu, Kaibang Wu, Jian Liu, Zhengxiong Wang, Journal of Plasma Physics, 88, 5 (2022), 905880505
[20] Capability and convergence of linearized invariant-imbedding T-matrix and physical-geometric optics methods for light scattering, Bingqiang Sun, Chenxu Gao, Dongbin Liang, Zhaoyuan Liu, Jian Liu, Optics Express, 30, 21(2022) 37769-37785
[21] Multi-scale structures of electric current generated by collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence, Xiang Chen, Zhixin Lu, Huishan Cai, Lei Ye, Yang Chen, Ding Li, Jian Liu, Zhaoyuan Liu, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 64 (2022) 115008
[22] VPNets: Volume-preserving neural networks for learning source-free dynamics, Aiqing Zhu, Beibei Zhu, Jiawei Zhang, Yifa Tang, Jian Liu*, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 416,15(2022) 114523
[23] Pinching arc plasmas by high-frequency alternating longitudinal magnetic field, Xiaoliang Wang, Andrew Harrison, Yunlong Chang, Jian Liu*. Physics of Plasmas, 29 (2022), 073506
[24] Energy-preserving methods for guiding center system based on averaged vector field, Beibei Zhu, Yifa Tang, Jian Liu*, Physics of Plasmas, 29 (2022), 032501
[25] High order explicit Lorentz invariant volume-preserving algorithms for relativistic dynamics of charged particles, Y. Wang, J. Liu, Y. He, J Compt. Phys. 439 (2021), 110383
[26] A relativistic canonical symplectic particle-in-cell method for energetic plasma analysis, Y. Wang, F. Yuan, J. Liu*, Plasma Sci. Technol. 22 (2020) 065001
[27] Symplectic integrators with adaptive time step applied to runaway electron dynamics, Y. Shi, Y. Sun, Y. He, H. Qin, J. Liu, Numerical Algorithms 81(2019), 1295-1309
[28] Energy-preserving algorithm for gyrocenter dynamics of charged particles, R. Zhang, J. Liu*, H. Qin, Y. Tang, Numerical Algorithms 81(2019), 1521-1530
[29] Study of adaptive symplectic methods for simulating charged particle dynamics, Y. Shi, Y. Sun, Y. Wang, J. Liu, Journal of Computational Dynamics, 6(2) (2019),429-448. doi: 10.3934/jcd.2019022
[30] Solving the Vlasov–Maxwell equations using Hamiltonian splitting, Y. Li, Y. He, Y. Sun, J. Niesen, H. Qin, J. Liu, Journal of Computational Physics 396(2019), 381-399
[31] A lattice Maxwell system with discrete space-time symmetry and local energy- momentum conservation, J. Xiao, H. Qin, Y. Shi, J. Liu, R. Zhang, Phys. Lett. A 383(2019), 808-812
[32] Time-domain global similarity method for automatic data cleaning for multi-channel measurement systems in magnetic confinement fusion devices, T. Lan, J. Liu*, H. Qin, L. Xu, Compt. Phys. Commun. 234 (2019), 159-166
[33] A first-principle implicit simulation code based on Stratonovich SDE approach of Coulumb collision, Y. Zheng, Y. Wang, J. Liu, H. Qin, Chinese J of Compt. Phys., 63(2019), 3: 265-279
[34] An Automatic Data Cleaning Procedure for Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging on EAST Tokamak Using Machine Learning Algorithm, C. Li, T. Lan, Y. Wang, J. Liu, J. Xie, T. Lan, H. Li and H. Qin, Journal of Instrumentation 13(2018), P10029
[35] Conservative magnetic moment of runaway electrons and collisionless pitch-angle scattering, C. Liu, H. Qin, E. Hirvijoki, Y. Wang, J. Liu, Nucl. Fusion 58 (2018), 106018
[36] Structure-preserving geometric particle-in-cell methods for Vlasov-Maxwell systems, J. Xiao, H. Qin, J. Liu, Plasma Sci. Technol. 20 (2018) 110501
[37] Geometric field theory and weak Euler-Lagrange equation for classical relativistic particle-field systems, P. Fan, H. Qin, J. Liu, N. Xiang, Z. Yu, Front. Phys. 13(4) (2018), 135203
[38] Explicit symplectic algorithms based on generating functions for relativistic charged particle dynamics in time-dependent electromagnetic field, R. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. He, J. Xiao, J. Liu, H. Qin and Y. Tang, Phys. Plasmas 25 (2018), 022117
[39] A theory of self-organized zonal flow with fine radial structure in tokamak, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, T. Xie, S. Mahajan and J. Liu, Phys. Plasmas 24 (2017), 122304
[40] The Accurate Particle Tracer Code, Y. Wang, J. Liu*, H. Qin, Z. Yu, and Y. Yao, Compt. Phys. Commun., 220 (2017), 212–229
[41] Solving Vlasov-Maxwell equations by using Hamiltonian splitting, Y. Li, Y. He, Y. Sun, J. Niesen, H. Qin, J. Liu, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1863 (2017),160009
[42] Preference-based performance measures for Time-Domain Global Similarity method, T. Lan, J. Liu*, H. Qin, Journal of Instrumentation 12 (2017), C12008
[43] Improvement of training set structure in fusion data cleaning using Time-Domain Global Similarity method, J. Liu, T. Lan, H. Qin, Journal of Instrumentation 12 (2017), C10004
[44] Local Energy Conservation Law for a Spatially-Discretized Hamiltonian Vlasov-Maxwell System, J. Xiao, H. Qin, J. Liu, R. Zhang, Phys. Plasmas 24 (2017), 062112
[45] Canonical symplectic structure and structure-preserving geometric algorithms for Schordinger-Maxwell systems, Q. Chen, H. Qin, J. Liu, J. Xiao, R. Zhang, Y. He, Y. Wang, J Compt. Phys. 349 (2017), 411-452
[46] Detection of tokamak plasma positrons using annihilation photons, G. Yu, J. Liu, J. Xie, and J. Li, Fusion Engineering and Design 118 (2017), 124-128
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[48] Photons, phonons, and plasmons with orbital angular momentum in plasmas, Q. Chen, H. Qin, and J. Liu, Scientific Reports 7(2017), 41731
[49] Explicit K-symplectic algorithms for charged particle dynamics, Y. He, Z. Zhou, Y. Sun, J. Liu, and H. Qin, Phys. Lett. A 381(2017), 568-573
[50] Lorentz Covariant Canonical Symplectic Algorithms for Dynamics of Charged Particle, Y. Wang, J. Liu*, and H. Qin, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 122513
[51] A family of new explicit, revertible, volume-preserving numerical schemes for the system of Lorentz force, X. Tu, B. Zhu, Y. Tang, H. Qin, J. Liu*, and R. Zhang, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 122514
[52] Explicit high-order noncanonical symplectic algorithms for ideal two-fluid systems, J. Xiao, H. Qin, P. J. Morrison, J. Liu, Z. Yu, R. Zhang, Y. He, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 112107
[53] High order volume-preserving algorithms for relativistic charged particles in general electromagnetic fields, Y. He, Y. Sun, R. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Liu, and H. Qin, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 092109
[54] Hamiltonian particle-in-cell methods for Vlasov-Maxwell equations, Y. He, Y. Sun, H. Qin and J. Liu, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 092108
[55] Design of geometric phase measurement in EAST Tokamak, T. Lan, H. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Jie, Y. Wang, X. Gao, and H. Qin, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 072109
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[57] On the structure of the two-stream instability -- complex G-Hamiltonian structure and Krein collisions between positive- and negative-action modes, R. Zhang, H. Qin, R. Davidson, J. Liu, and J. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 072111
[58] Multi-scale Full-orbit Analysis on Phase-space Behavior of Runaway Electrons in Tokamak Fields with Synchrotron Radiation, Y. Wang, H. Qin, and J. Liu*, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 062505
[59] Collisionless pitch-angle scattering of runaway electrons, J. Liu, Y. Wang, and H. Qin, Nucl. Fusion 56 (2016), 064002
[60] Application of Lie Algebra in Constructing Volume-Preserving Algorithms for Charged Particles Dynamics, R. Zhang, J. Liu*, H. Qin, Y. Tang, and Y. He, Commun. Comput. Phys., 19 (2016), No.5, 1397-1408
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[62] Canonical symplectic particle-in-cell method for long-term large-scale simulations of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations, H. Qin, J. Liu, J. Xiao, R. Zhang, Y. He, Y. Wang, Y. Sun, J. Burby, C. Ellison, and Y. Zhou, Nucl. Fusion 56 (2016), 014001
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