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[16] Zhang W, Zhang N, Yu Y*. 2019. Carbon mitigation effects and potential cost savings from carbon emissions trading in China’s regional industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141, 1-11. (SSCI)
[17] Yu Y, Zhang W, Zhang N. 2018. The potential gains from carbon emissions trading in China’s industrial sectors. Computational Economics, 52, 1175-1194. (SSCI)
[18] Wu T, Yu Y*, Wang B. 2018. Water resources availability and the growth of housing prices in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 128, 555-562. (SCI)
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[24] Yu Y., Zhang W. & Zhang N. 2017. The Potential Gains from Carbon Emissions Trading in China’s Industrial Sectors. Computational Economics. 52, 1175–1194. (SSCI)
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[26] Xie H, Yu Y, Wang W, Liu Y. 2017. The substitutability of non-fossil energy, potential carbon emission reduction and energy shadow prices in China. Energy Policy, 107, 63-71.
[27] Chen Z, Barros, C, Yu Y*. 2017. Spatial distribution characteristic of Chinese airports: A spatial cost function approach. Journal of Air Transport management, 59, 63-70. (SSCI)
[28] Yu Y., Choi,Y. 2016. Stakeholder pressure and CSR adoption: The mediating role of organizational culture for Chinese companies. Social Science Journal, 53, 226-235. (SSCI)
[29] Yu Y., Wu W, Liu Y, Zhang T. 2016. Environmental catching-up, eco-innovation, and technological leadership in China's pilot ecological civilization zones. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 118, 228-236. (SSCI)
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[32] Yu Y. 2015. An empirical analysis of the relationship between environmental performance and sustainable e-governance in China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 96, 71-78. (SSCI)
[33] Yu Y. Choi Y. Zhang N. 2015. Strategic corporate sustainability performance for Chinese state-owned listed firms. Social Science Journal, 52, 300-310. (SSCI)
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[35] Yu Y., Choi Y. 2014. Corporate social responsibility and firm performance through the mediating effect of organizational trust in Chinese firms. Chinese Management Studies, 8(4), 577 - 592 (SSCI)