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    Haowei YU

    Research assistant professor;Email:haowei.yu@sdu.edu.cn


    Haowei Yu, male, born in 1987 in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China. He obtained his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from China Agricultural University, Renmin University of China, and Washington State University, respectively. He has served successively at the School of Energy and Environment of City University of Hong Kong and the School of Economics of Jinan University. Currently, he is an assistant professor and master's supervisor at the Institute of Blue and Green Development, Shandong University (Weihai). His research focuses on environmental economics, with main interests including the application of political economic methods to analyze environmental issues and the assessment of environmental policy impacts. His core research philosophy is 'A good policy environment is no less important than major technological improvements'. His research outcomes have been published in renowned domestic and international journals such as Resource and Energy Economics, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, and the Journal of Natural Resources.


    [1]Haowei Yuand Lin Zhang∗ (June, 2022). Politically connected firms and the environment.TheB.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 22(2), 579 - 602.

    [2]Haowei Yuand You Zhou∗ (August, 2021). Highway spending and induced vehicle emissions: Evidence from the US states.Resource and Energy Economics 65,101245.

    [3]于浩伟,沈大军∗,CGE模型在水资源研究中的应用与展望,自然资源学报,2014年9月,第29卷,1626 – 1636。

    [4]闫丽娟,吴娟,沈大军∗,于浩伟,公众参与水资源管理研究–以宁波市水资源管理为例,中国水利水电科学研究院学报,2012年12月,第10卷,288 – 293。

    [5]于浩伟,宋芳,李晓红∗,农村土地流转需求规模影响因素的实证分析–以山东省日照市为例,安徽农业科学,2010年,第38卷,1482 – 1485。