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    Yu Xin

    Postdoctoral Researcher;Email:yuxinn@sdu.edu.cn


    YuXin earnedherPh.D. in Geographical Sciencesatthe University of Maryland–College Park,whereherresearch centered on land use and land cover change associated with agricultural expansion.Heracademic interests span spatial economics, geographic information systems, land use change, sustainable production and consumption,andclimate change mitigation and adaptation.Sheis committed to integrating cutting-edge interdisciplinary methods that bridge natural and social sciences, conducting research on human-environment coupled systems across multiple scales and regions.Herprimary research focus lies in sustainable development management, particularly in agricultural sustainability. Herresearch findings have been published in renowned international journals,such asConservation Letters, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Environmental Research Letters, among others in the fields of resources, environment, and management.


    [1]Yu Xin; Laixiang Sun; Matthew C. Hansen ; Land-cover and land-use change trajectory hopping facilitates estate-crop expansion into protected forests in Indonesia, Conservation Letters, 2023, 16(4): e12957

    [2][2]Yu Xin; Laixiang Sun; Matthew C. Hansen ; Oil palm reconciliation in Indonesia: Balancing rising demand and environmental conservation towards 2050, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 380: 135087

    [3]Yu Xin; Laixiang Sun; Matthew C Hansen ; Biophysical and socioeconomic drivers of oil palm expansion in Indonesia, Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16(3): 034048

    [4] Jiashuo Li; Chen Wang; Jinqiang Guo;Yu Xin; Ning Zhang; Xi Liu; Kuishuang Feng ; Promoting Sustainable Development Goals by Optimizing City-Level Solar Photovoltaic Deployment in China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(12): 5196-5209