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    Lili Xu

    Postdoctoral Researcher;Email:xulili@sdu.edu.cn


    Dr. Lili Xu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Blue and Green Development at Shandong University. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China. Dr. Xu’s research centers onenvironmentalhealtheconomics. Her research has appeared in academic journals such asGlobal Environmental Change,Cities,Environmental Geochemistry and Health, andSystems Engineering-Theory & Practice. Additionally, she has served as the reviewer for various economics journals, includingWorld Development, andEcological Economics. Her research on environmental health economics has received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and National Natural Science Foundation of Shandong.


    [1]Xu Lili, Feng Kuishuang*, Shao Shuai. (2024). Impacts of Air Pollution on Child Growth: Evidence from Extensive Data in Chinese counties. Global Environmental Change, 85, 102808.


    [3] Shao Shuai,Xu Lili, Fan Meiting*, 2021. Assessment for the Effect of Emission Trading System on Infant Health: Evidence at China’s County Level. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-13.

    [4] Yang Zhenbing, Shao Shuai*,Xu Lili, Yang Lili, 2022. Can Regional Development Plans Promote Economic Growth? City-Level Evidence from China. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101212.



